Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Idea for a fantasy short story:

A boy who's lost all wanders into the woods. A hunter helps the boy but in doing so is bitten by a werewolf. The boy is devastated and searches for the entire month for the cure with the hunter. They become best of friends. The boy realizes he has not lost all, for he can still make wonderful friends. They fail to find the cure. The hunter chases the sun on the final day to avoid the moon, fails, and takes his life to save the boy. The boy goes on with this important tale in mind.

When night falls to reign, the moon begins to shine. Forest voices constantly yell, Do not listen, Infernal Lady!" Though these spells in trance leave, nothing will become. Lycanthia is your name, its sound a howl. Planted horror passes. Sol, give peace! Blood on the moon shines. Sol, give peace, eager to devour your open eyes. Free her from evil. . . Sad Lycanthia walks to the Sun faster. Their soul light, it shed wanting blood beings without more. Luna falls, the beast coming out, ready to die. Lycanthia plunges a dagger into his own heart, breaking the curse. Sol, give peace, leading to this sad end. Sun, look at her, his eyes closed in eternity. Freed from evil . . .

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